Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • inskrish
    09-28 09:59 PM
    I can work on weekend for free, where to apply? atleast i can push some of them out of line. i mean i am very good in approving cases.

    Long live. Libra! :D When you do it , could you please find out my missing application from the mounds of USCIS documents, and push it through the system? :D


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  • pani_6
    07-24 07:40 PM
    EB-3 I wake up and send the letter out..we need to make relevant authorities aware of our situation. Uncertanity and doom stares us come on EB-3 I lets see some action!

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  • saikatmandal
    09-11 04:55 PM
    Saw the Oct Visa Bulletin ....
    Future of EB3 applicants look very bleak ...
    I cannot make it to the DC Rally but my small token contribution to this effect.
    I wish this rally a grand success !

    PD June 2003
    I-140 Approved
    I-485, EAD, AP - Applied Aug 7, 2007

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  • espoir
    07-24 03:38 PM
    EB5 doesn't need I-140. In fact EB5 does not apply with I-485, EB5 application# is I-526. Either we are missing out some crucial information on LuckyPaji's case or he is having little fun at our expense. They haven't even completed receipting June 29 cases. This guy is just playing with us or his dates are completely wrong.

    Since LuckyPaji mentioned his brother came on investors visa, I'm thinking even he applied under INVESTOR CATEGORY-EB5..

    Probably he is right that he got EAD, 140 and 485 receit notices etc...:) ..
    Anyway he is not sure about his category..So it could be EB5 which was NEVER retrogressed..


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  • ind_game
    05-13 11:37 PM
    Did you ever apply for EAD / AP?

    I have EAD which expires on 07/30/2010. I have AP which expires on 10/29/2009

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  • santb1975
    06-03 09:33 PM
    Let's keep moving forward


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  • TeddyKoochu
    12-11 11:14 AM
    There are so many who missed the July 07...

    we should try to seek temporary relief..allowing to file for 485 even without PD veing current.

    CIR will happen when it has to happen..maybe after the health bill ...but IV not doing anything else while waiting for it is sad....

    Second that! I hope something happens, is there any information as to when the pre-filing for I485 will be implemented.

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  • amitjoey
    05-06 03:54 PM
    Please help us help ourselves. If we do not mount pressure, we will have ourselves to blame for the next 10 years.
    Please call all TIER 1 senators first.


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  • isedkeem
    03-07 03:37 PM
    I was in India recently for a 2 months vacation, and some work from our Indian office,. First few days were tough , lot of dust , traffic , pollution, But after 2 weeks i was loving it the old way .. and when i was flying back i realized I love Delhi .


    When i was in India, i went to best hotels for food (2000Rs buffets) virtually every week.,just went to NY once for a 200$ buffet, in 6 years.

    So everyone has to take a personal decision, based on personal factors..

    I went on a business trip to Delhi and Mumbai last year for about 10 days. I stayed at very expensive hotels (Leela in Mumbai, don't remember the Delhi one) but somehow I did not feel that it was worth the $300+ a night or so. The hotels were about the same standard as a Best Western or a Holiday Inn in the US which tend to go for $60-80 usually. There were no reasonable budget options for $100 like in the US. The value for money seems much less in India IMO. I have been to China and Brazil too and the general standards there seem to be orders of magnitude higher.

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  • makemygc
    07-06 01:15 PM
    Today.. 12:00 EST:)

    SKD's next question should be, what was he wearing when you talked to him? Hope he was not in his sleepwear..just waking up from his beautiful dreams.:o


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  • pappu
    08-12 12:29 PM
    The senator is missing it or dodging it - it clearly means one thing -we are invisible as constituents. We are being taken for a ride only because we do not speak up or go meet our lawmakers. They do not see us as ordinary constituents having the same issues as their other constituents. The whole human -angle is missing.

    We have to go meet our lawmakers and explain to them our part of the story/ They need to be told and made aware that we live in their constituencies and our grievances are genuine and need to be addressed.

    And although this particular bill does not affect people that are here already.. Beware!! the noose is tightening- the next on the chopping block is EB Immigrants.To answer your question: Indian companies in India or Indian politicians complaining will not do much impact. After passing this bill politicians will cosy up and say good things to rebuild relations. The real impact can happen if Indians in New York state who can vote stand up against such laws. Same goes for the Desi companies who have tried to raise the voice against USCIS memo. They lack grassroots advocacy and support. Their Indian US citizen friends are busy organizing Diwali melas and Shahrukh Khan stage shows. Immigration voice can be extremely successful if politicians see us as an immigrant lobby. Just like they see Jewish lobby or Hispanic lobby. This is why participation of IV greencard members and citizen friends is important to advocate for changes that helps the immigrant community. I this case too, IV community should not turn a blind eye to what happens around us. Just because we do not work for such companies or we already have EAD does not mean we do not see beyond the headline of this issue. We spend more time analyzing , over analyzing, predicting and tracking rather than actively understanding the politics of issues that are causing all the problems we are facing. To some extent this law passed because Indians in USA did not care due to their narrow outlook and priorities in politics.

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  • swissgear
    08-23 08:47 AM
    see below.. I think you should be OK.
    USCIS - Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2 ( D&vgnextchannel=816a83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60a RCRD)

    Looks like 10 years experience is required for individuals applying under "Exceptional Ability".

    They are targeting the wrong cases. They should have made the eligibility for EB1 Intercompany transfers harder by putting in more restrictions. Every tom dick and harry are eligible for the EB1 route. I know of many cases where the individuals are paid less than 70k and are processed in EB1 even though they have less than 10 yrs experience ,using the term multi-national executives. No offense on these individuals, but its not fair to impose restrictions on highly qualified compared to the EB1 Multinational route. JMHO


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  • pmpforgc
    03-05 09:58 PM
    Entire world is turning up against immigration. It is beyond individual/group control to lobby for changes in that area.

    It is on the threshold of the time. Right now we as individuals still can make a decision to continue to be in US and wait it out or go back to our home country.

    But if this trend continues, I am afraid, some new law will make that decision for us to send us all back. It is just around the corner. Worst part is we can't do a thing about that.

    So want to blame anyone, blame your politicians of your native country for creating such a mess that people wanted to move to a different country.

    I agree fully with you.

    in our home country we have hard time to walk in cities because of exploding population.

    Hard to get clean water, air, milk and everything else

    Education system is detoriating day by day because of privatization, private institutions only look for profit and dont care mostly for their students. Fortunately they have billion people to get customers. Our engineers are mostly unemployable

    Property values are rising to extreme level beyond affordability of common man. Poverty rate is increasing day by day. Agriculture is detoriating and we are not a manufactuting masters. Our engineers are getting poor in quality day by day and scientist get frustated every day because of injust system so try to migrate every where else. We can never survive as country creating softwares or answering calls for long time. It might serve us for short period.

    Morality. Corruption, attitude of peoples and so-called social net work (which is even more selfish then US) are even hard to compare with other countries where relations and systems are more open and frank. In our home country on surface every thing looks good but if you try to look below it is hard to say how supefecious it is.

    so in short if we are hear only because we wanted GC, then we should leave in next flight to home. But if you have seen any other advantages of being here then hangin, GC will come. Dont wait for GC every day, just live your life and enjoy it to full extent.

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  • ashutrip
    06-21 09:55 AM
    anybody here who got his labor certified from Atlanta off late
    anybody ....any news of backlog getting cleared


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  • Ramba
    10-01 05:37 PM
    I think there will not much visa numbers unused. If at all, it may be in few hundreds. We are thinking our point of view, even wasting one visa number is ridiculus based on number peoples are waiting. However, the INA states that every year "not more than 140,000 EB visas should be issued".It sets only upper limit not the lower limit. Therefore DOS has be more vigilant in not exceding 140K. By doing so, there may be a few wastage of numbers. If they issue 120K instead of 140K, it is not the violation of law. Insted if they issue 141K it is vialotion of law.

    However, if the wastage is more than few hundreds it is definitly not acceptable.

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  • diptam
    08-12 03:41 PM
    There are lot of good/standard consulting companies ... Some are 'con' but they can't create massive impact , however the MNC's do MANIPULATION at a large scale.

    Do not generalise all consulting companies...At least people working in these consulting companies sponsored GC and buying house and spending their money here. Most of the fradulent GC process was done by these croocked indian companies. They exploited the EB1C system to the maximum extend. Most of the times, they are not filing the GC and keep the employees as slaves or they exploit the EB1c fo their boot lickers.


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  • ganguteli
    06-11 03:39 PM
    As far as I know, I am pretty aggressive in investment and I am getting @15% right now.. which too in a very unconventional ways.. by investing in forex and start ups with a risk of loosing nearly 80% of the investment in a day. when you 100K-200K and get returns like 100k.. dude that 100%-50% investment.. please let me know where can I do that.

    I promise I gonna leave everything and go back with my money make investment in that and live the rest sipping feni by goa beach.

    ........And you have not contributed a dime yet to IV?

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  • Milind123
    09-12 10:03 PM
    Looks like you will soon cross My 350 Contribution ;)

    I pledge 100$ more once Milind123 crosses 400 !!:D
    Any Takers !!!

    thats the Least we non attending :( :(
    folks can do

    Can you please make that "equals" from "crosses". :D (I am sorry written too much code in my life)

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  • vkallank
    07-18 10:01 PM
    As requested by IV core, from now on my recurring contributions would be $50 ( till date it was $20).

    As fellow legal immigrants each of us share a responsibility to ease the process of GC. If each and every member engages in a financial contribution our confidence as a team would grow by leaps and bounds. This i believe would let core team lobby a lot stronger for our causes.

    I hope all contributing members would be a motivation for other IV members to contribute.

    11-26 10:29 AM
    Thank you, I'll keep everyone posted if anything changes.

    I called USCIS customer service to ask for the attorney name on file and they said that they didn't have access to that information and I would have to get an Infopass appointment for that. Given the crap that ChanduV had to deal with (for changing jobs on AC21) during his infopass appointment, it is probably best I just wait to ask that question until my second biometric appointment is due in a few months.


    Well - not every officer will deal with you in the same manner. It was my bad luck. I am sure, I might find someone helpful if I go again. So don't get intimidated and discouraged.

    Usually at infopass they do not want to answer questions like 'Who is my Attorney on file etc... " The questions they answer are - name check pending, further review etc..... So you may get an answer "If your Attorney has filed for G 28 - then you don't have to worry". But you never know and can always give a try.

    11-09 08:18 AM
    Yes I think so too. specially I am EB3 India Dec 06, who know I will be current next July-Aug-Sept. hopefully this is the last EAD renewal (valid Sept until 2012)
    Thanks for the reply. 8 or 10 months. Its still worth it. You did the right thing. Congrats and good luck!

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