Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • csriram45
    09-09 05:59 PM
    Came to US in Aug 1997. My first company start up closed in 2002 recession and so joined another which by the time started the process etc.. delayed till Sep 2004 PD with EB3.
    13 years in the US and waiting....

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  • JunRN
    09-28 10:08 PM
    Well, do you want to be the most cursed person in the world?:D


    Putting myself in their shoes...that's why I don't curse them...not even once...I pray that they do their job honestly and efficiently...that's the least they can do for us...

    who knows some of them are legal immigrants as well!

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  • seahawks
    09-13 01:58 AM
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  • tikka
    07-18 04:03 PM
    I just upgraded my monthly contribution too!

    thank you!


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  • yagw
    07-11 02:08 PM
    The per country limit was not adhered to even in the 3rd quarter. Remember how EB2 India rose like a phoenix from Unavailable to April 2004? Once they determine that there are enough visas for spillover, the per country limits don't exist. The question is how they decide to distribute it among the retrogressed countries.

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  • villamonte6100
    04-01 09:37 AM
    ...that u r crying over USCIS issues? Chill dude :). They were gracious enough to realise their mistake last year and hand out EADs to everyone. Full marks to USCIS for being spontaneous and doing the right thing at the right time. Infact its ppl like u who will always keep cribbing no matter what. Even after u get ur GC u will crib over citizenship delays. Shame on u.

    I Totally agree with you. USCIS has done everything in their capacity to accomodate whatever we complain about but their hands are tied by the laws.

    Mirage is the real crying baby.

    Cheers mate.


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  • champak3
    06-16 02:04 PM
    Didn't realise they now have a PERM backlog center. I thought baclkog centers were only for traditional and RIR labours, I guess there is no end to the circus of immigration life.

    officially no PERM backlog center exist....but the way Atlanta is processing cases...i think we can call them the backlog center when compared to Chicago which is processing it in a week or two :-))

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  • nyte_crawler
    04-25 03:03 PM
    There are three categories of people,
    1) There are people stuck in the labor-queue with early dates. They would want to clear that backlog and they know the PD is so old that they will get their GCs easily.
    2) There are people who are waiting to apply or have applied in the 2002-2003 range and they want more visas so that they would get their GCs.
    3) There are others who are just filing with dates of 2005 and 2006, who would want to take a different approach as they do not know about their future

    I clearly understand as a group, it is impossible to fulfill everyone's expectations. It can only fix the issues that is more relevant and practical at the present moment. But again, I believe by taking "Pay Now and Do what we told, because it is better for all" approach will only prevent people from participating. (Iam not flaming anybody) I believe by writing in one thread about an opinion, is not going to take the group's strategy away from its goal. If that is the case, then there is an underlying problem. Since I dont host this form, I dont expect any rights of free speech. But moderating heavy-handedly will only take away the participation, as I see this happening time and time again. I believe as long as people don't abuse forms, they should be allowed to express their ideas. It's upto the group to decide and take it whenever it is necessary.

    But on the contrary, if IV believes that creating threads takes away the server space, IV could remind them of the usage and perhaps close them. But if the approach is once the short term goal of CIR implementation is done there is nothing to worry about, then whatever I said would become invalid.



    There is too much curbing of free speech, you admins are taking a heavy handed approach to discussions. Deleting posts at will, diverting topics at whims and fancies...

    Let there be discussins, there is nothing wrong in floating ideas.. allow members to express. Not every idea needs to be implemented.



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  • kingkon_2000
    07-11 10:22 AM
    My guess is that they moved the dates so that any one missed the train in jul 2007 will be able to file 485 and/or add spouses to the existing applications. Looks like it will remain there for some time atleast, may be till the year end.

    NJOY Eb2 guys.

    Now the Jul/07 filers will not receive 2 yrs EAD since the PD is current and there is very less chance that they will receive GC. So USCIS plays a good game.. they will have more chance next year to milk money from Jul07 filers as they will have to renew EAD/AP again next year...

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  • vin13
    03-12 12:30 PM
    I have been a donor since 2006 and donated about $1000+ through 3 or 5 one time payments and monthly subscription of $20.
    But I discontinued my monthly subscription seeing absence of IV core for long time in 2008. But more than that I was completely pissed off with free riders with one time questions and then disappearing, nanny questions, people sharing jokes on this forum, people commenting on the internal matters of their own country and so on. I felt the forum was being used for all other matters except the one issue it was formed to address: "RETROGRESSION in EB IMMIGRATION".
    I am fully supportive of paid membership and welcome this step. I thank IV admin for the same.
    Now my questions are
    What is the vision / mission/ purpose behind the "donor forum"?
    whether members will still be able to post questions for free and get answers? And of course vanish after that.
    Would the anti immigrants still be able to use our forum and make posts to tease us?
    And most importantly do I have start monthly subscription again to gain access to this forum? If yes, Can I just restart my $20 monthly subscription?

    I agree with you. I hope we get some clear vision/mission/purpose behing the 'donor forum'


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  • Mani
    07-14 11:56 PM
    Contributed $25

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  • greyhair
    08-12 11:19 AM
    Why is the senator backtracking from "chop shop" comment ? Here is why

    Visa row: US keen not to hurt ties with India before Obama visit - US - World - The Times of India (

    One more thing, if you read the comments, he is not back tracking. If I were him, I wouldn't either. Sen. Schumer is saying, btw, if I offended anyone, then its not chop-shop, its body shop, take that? He is ridiculing those who thought they cornered him.


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  • GotFreedom?
    03-13 11:49 AM
    Just got the email that Card Production Ordered. I hope it means the GC has been approved. Do any of you know of any situation like this?

    This is a awesome news for the old timers. I hope you are not kidding around.
    Enjoy your freedom.

    PS: Are you sure that the email you received was for 485 and not for other applications such as EAD or AP?

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  • gimmeliberty
    09-16 04:39 PM

    1st time contributor to IV. Here's the Paypal Confirmation #: 6R998807RX0308502.

    Plan to join the rally with my toddler. Best wishes to IV and good work Milind123.


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  • gc28262
    07-06 09:14 AM
    I think it is time we threw away the concept that democracy is the best.
    Look at Obama the socialist and anti-immigrant law makers in this country who are playing to the gallery. Are they doing any good for this country ?

    I always prefer an open self nominated leader to a democratically elected leader.

    OP should work with IV core/even get involved in a serious conversation with core team to promote his ideas. I am sure core is open to suggestions and entertain discussions from well meaning members.

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  • franklin
    09-29 10:50 AM
    Except, Franklin is not from a retrogressed country.... :)


    Actually, techincally I am - eb3 ROW suffers from retrogression


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  • sbharatham
    07-18 10:00 PM
    Contributed $100 just now adding to earlier 100+50.
    Will contribute more.
    IV has proved they are working hard behind the scenes with the July bulletin reversal Success.

    Now its our turn as members to support them by contributing as much as you can !!!

    Order Details - Jul 18, 2007 10:22 PM EDT
    Google Order #156751256110014

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  • let007live4ever
    02-07 09:15 AM
    AP isn't appoved yet. I have to wait for the approval in order to use that upon reentry.

    And yes someone can surely mail me the document. In that case I just have to hope the AP dosen't have any misprints or something.

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  • Macaca
    09-14 08:57 PM
    A Little-Known Group Claims a Victory on Immigration ( By ROBERT PEAR ( | New York Times, July 15, 2007
    How Conservatives Enhanced Online Voice ( - Talk Radio Blends With Blog Postings To Boost Message By JUNE KRONHOLZ ( ) and AMY SCHATZ ( | The Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2007
    Immigration bill ignites grass-roots fire ( The conservative group NumbersUSA has seen its numbers skyrocket. Activists pressure wavering senators By Nicole Gaouette ( | Times Staff Writer, June 24, 2007
    Grass Roots Roared and Immigration Plan Collapsed By JULIA PRESTON ( | New York Times, June 10, 2007: 1 (, 2 (

    07-06 10:17 AM
    What the hell on earth is this? Do you know for sure they have ignored it? Do not add masala to the existing crap. Do you understand the consequences of these kind of spiced up stuff? We all would be sulking in the security check for ever, if DHS gets pissed off or gets a congressional hearing and the authorities get lambasted over this. You are seeing how doctors are being implicated in UK and all over. Security is the most important thing right now on this planet and western world is agog over security. I dont know from where Greg Siskind and Jay Solomon got the tip off. They tipped each of their hats off and put the story in our brains to run the show. Security is not a Joke. Do not make it a bigger issue unless you dont know whether it really has happened. The consequences can be pretty dangerous to the extent of revoking all the issued GC's in the past 20 days, if congress gets high on this. I dont know what lawyers want, but my understanding is none of us want to have negative consequences of this issue.

    No matter who screwed up, we should be conveying the following message after we say that USCIS/DOS goofed up.

    "The root cause of the situation is the inability of
    a) DOS/USCIS to recapture the visa numbers from previous years
    b) to carry forward the unused numbers for atleast one year

    If congress makes the needed legislative changes to solve the above two issues, USCIS/DOS will not be in the ugliest predicaments like they are in right now"

    Its our choice to make USCIS/DOS our enemies or we get compassionate to the situation considering how arcane the current laws are. We agree or not, we have to work with them going forward. Just that they are down and we are on a bashing spree right now doesnt mean that it will be situation for ever.

    Agreed 100 % !
    Stop spreading RUMORS that can hurt us guys !

    03-31 06:17 PM
    a million things in this world are wrong and occassionally you will be at the receiver's end. Am sure you want things to change, so does every member of this group and many more who arent aware or part of IV yet.

    Let us(as members) know what would you like to change in USCIS management. If you feel management should be criticised then lets hear it detailed. Would request to keep a positive outlook and suggest what you would like to see happen. Am sure everyone hear is all ears.

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