Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • alahiri
    02-27 02:53 AM
    Washington Post has published a open letter from Mr Bill Gates to the Congress to pass CIR and highlighted the importance of retaining competent workforce in this country by reforming the Green Card program and increasing the number of H1B's. Please submit comments to his open letter in Washington Post showing support for this historical letter:

    Wish everyone best of luck.

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  • immi_enthu
    09-28 06:30 PM

    the above thread has many more with same issue.

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  • mrdhoni
    10-29 12:32 AM
    Hi All,

    I am on L1A visa which is valid till December 30 2010. My 7 year limit on L1A will end with that date. I have applied for Labor on October 20, 2009 with another employer (not with the one who has sponsored L1A). Since I applied for Labor (PERM) can I apply for new H1B petition now based on the receipt number ? Please advice. Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • .Matt
    05-28 01:43 AM
    make all you l33t ch00bl3tz0rz th1nkz0rz :to:


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  • Blog Feeds
    02-05 06:40 PM
    With the advent of the new (FY 2011) H-1B filing season quickly approaching (April 1), it is not too early to begin considering an issue that was first thrust upon the H-1B program prior to the start of last year�s filings � the Stimulus Bill signed into law last February 17 which made it more complicated for the big banks and insurance companies that received Troubled Asset Recovery Program ("TARP") funds to hire new foreign workers on H-1B visas. Specifically, Section 1611(b) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides that TARP recipients may not hire new H-1B...

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  • stock photo : Grass on golf

  • Macaca
    12-12 10:27 AM
    Pelosi vows more civil approach � next year ( By Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris | The Politico, Dec 12, 2007

    Across the ideological spectrum, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has dashed expectations.

    On the right, the hope was that Pelosi would be the tallest lightning rod in Washington � playing to type as a �San Francisco liberal� and handing the Republican minority all manner of ideological openings to exploit. For the most part, that has not happened.

    On the left, the hope was that Pelosi would lead the newly empowered Democrats to hijack President Bush�s agenda on the issue that matters most to party activists � ending the Iraq war.

    To Pelosi�s regret, that has not happened either.

    Appraisals of Pelosi�s first year revolve around these fallen hopes and come with still another surprise: For all her history-making status as the first woman to run the House, Pelosi has emerged as a fairly conventional leader.

    This is partly to her credit.

    She has run a highly disciplined operation, keeping a potentially fractious caucus unified on tough issues.

    And she has restrained some of her own instincts representing one of the nation�s most liberal districts.

    With a couple of prominent exceptions, she has not handed Republicans opportunities to exploit impolitic statements or legislative maneuvers.

    But conventionality has come at a steep cost.

    Few members of either party, when speaking privately, argue that what Congress needs most is a change of party with a continuation of the highly partisan status quo.

    In many ways, that�s what Pelosi represents.

    Democrats bridled at being marginalized under 12 years of Republican rule, but Pelosi has treated turnabout as fair play.

    Bending a promise made to voters in the last election, the speaker has shut Republicans out of many debates by limiting their ability to offer alternative ideas on the House floor and made only modest attempts to engage Republicans on many issues, notably Iraq.

    This represents a probably accurate calculation about what�s necessary to keep her own party cohesive.

    But polarized government has also thwarted some of Pelosi�s own objectives.

    The first of those is forcing Bush to end the war. �All of the good things that we did, which were, I mean, astounding � are eclipsed by the war in Iraq,� she said in a Politico interview.

    She added that she has been surprised by Democrats� inability to peel off GOP dissenters.

    �If I had to say one thing that I would have appraised differently � it would have been that I would not have expected the Republicans in Congress to stick with the president on this war this long,� she said. �Not from their personal statements to us privately or the public mood in their own districts.�

    The inability to resolve the Iraq debate or tackle the other most pressing issues is one reason the number of people saying they disapprove of the performance of Congress � at 70 percent in some recent surveys � has risen 15 to 20 points or more since the start of the year.

    Pelosi acknowledged she and her leadership team could have done better at managing expectations.

    �Maybe we should have been thinking about how we were communicating with the public more,� she said. �Maybe I should have from the start just established what we were doing instead of having to be responsive to the press about �somebody said this, they thought you were doing that,� because this place is a total rumor mill.�

    Even so, Pelosi made clear that she is fine with drawing sharp, partisan lines when necessary.

    �I certainly want my speakership to be distinguished by a level of civility and bipartisanship when that�s possible,� she said. �That is what I hope to do in this next year, I really do.�

    But as for this year? �I had a job to get done this year,� she said. �I had a decision to make; I had to remove obstacles to getting a job done.�

    She got it done, at times.

    Early in the session, Democrats moved their �six for �06� package promised in the previous election. That included raising the minimum wage, enacting homeland security upgrades and reducing student loan rates.

    They also helped their members by pushing for more spending on children�s health care, a political no-brainer for many members, and demanding that Congress offset the cost of new spending with spending cuts or revenue increases elsewhere.

    Along the way, the elegantly styled speaker, a grandmother of seven, proved herself a steel magnolia � a self-confident leader who projected strength in a way that caused powerful subordinates to defer to her.

    Even Vice President Cheney complimented (in a distinctly backhanded way) her leadership, noting he was surprised that such old Democratic bulls of the House as Reps. John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania and John Dingell of Michigan seem to follow her lead.

    �They are not carrying the big sticks I would have expected,� Cheney told Politico.

    �There�s a woman who runs that place with an iron hand,� Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told Politico in an interview. �I am sure that some people are a little disappointed [that] this diminutive, very attractive woman is bowling people over � men and women.�

    Pelosi has succeeded in part by having her own team of old bulls, such as Rep. George Miller of California, and younger bulls, such as Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, on her team.

    What is sometimes called a weakness � a penchant for micromanaging, for instance � has helped tighten her grip and enhance her standing.

    She has muffed up on a few high-profile occasions. A trip to Syria earlier this year was ridiculed by Republicans as clumsy, freelance diplomacy.

    She was forced by her Democratic colleagues to quit pushing for the Armenian genocide resolution because it was clearly complicating U.S. relations with Turkey.

    The final verdict on her handling of the Iraq debate awaits the year ahead � whether Democrats can either force a change in policy or make Republicans pay a heavy price in the 2008 elections.

    For now, the best grade Pelosi can get is incomplete: Democrats have had no substantive success in changing policy.

    One what-if echoes. Some members say Democrats missed a golden opportunity early in the summer to find compromise and split Republicans from Bush, laying the groundwork for limits on the military operation.

    Pelosi instead pursued an unyielding approach that turned off even the war skeptics inside the GOP.

    In a sign of the pressures Pelosi is under, however, it is the anti-war liberals in her own party who offer the harshest assessment of the Pelosi reign so far.

    �When you look back at this year, it will be defined as the year of lost opportunities,� said Ohio Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, a long-shot presidential candidate. �This was the time to use the power of the majority to chart a new direction. So far it�s been � not only a missed opportunity but a failure.�

    California Rep. Lynn Woolsey added: �I personally don�t think [the strategy] worked. As a result, everything we�ve done on student loans, minimum wage, the six in �06 agenda gets lost.�

    By one standard, however, Pelosi can look back on 2007 as a clear success. Her party is as well-organized, and her own position within it more secure, at year�s end compared with year�s start.

    �I am not going to let one issue blow up this caucus,� she said. �We always strive for unity.�


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  • pappu
    03-19 12:19 PM
    I happen to hear about one that a lot of doctors use . Check your pm

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  • An Eco-friendly golf course

  • ssksubash
    02-21 09:39 AM
    Thank you for the info.


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  • Golf course turf is the grass

  • suneel_agrawal
    03-10 08:52 PM

    Following are my USA stay details on L1 and H1-B visa:-

    1) Stayed in USA from 01-SEP-2003 till 25-JAN-2004 on L1 visa(expired now).
    2) Stayed in India from 26-JAN-2004 till 01-NOV-2004.
    3) Stayed in USA from 02-NOV-2004 till date on new H1-B visa(still valid).

    I read somewhere that 6 year period for H1 also counts L1 stay. Can someone please suggest, what should be my H1's final expiry date based on above details? Will that L1 stay be counted, even though I went back to India and came on a new H1-B visa?


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  • Blog Feeds
    10-29 12:20 PM
    [Blogger's Note: Today's guest posting on immigration dysfunctionality offers a view on pop culture. The parenthetical "(REALLY!?!)" in the title -- inserted as an editorial comment by the blog's usual author -- suggests the smarmy skepticism of an Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers riff on Saturday Night Live. The Haloween-themed guest post is by Nici Kersey, my colleague at Seyfarth Shaw LLP and a rising star in the immigration-lawyer firmament.] For Halloween, I have decided to dress as Max from Where the Wild Things Are. I was not able to locate a Max costume at any of the traditional Halloween...

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    golf course grass. Green grass on a golf course
  • Green grass on a golf course

  • Blog Feeds
    09-28 12:40 PM
    The Cap seem to be moving slowly in the past few months, but something is different with the release of the new count this week.

    As of September 18, 2009, approximately 46,000 H-1B ( cap-subject petitions and approximately 20,000 petitions qualifying for the advanced degree cap exemption had been filed. It seems that some employers are hiring again and willing to file for H1B visas for specialty workers. This is a good sign, but this also means that visas may run out sooner than expected.

    USCIS will continue to accept both cap-subject petitions and advanced degree petitions until a sufficient number of H-1B petitions have been received to reach the statutory limits, taking into account the fact that some of these petitions may be denied, revoked, or withdrawn.

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  • stock photo : Grass on golf

  • americandesi
    08-31 05:52 PM

    Does anyone know if a H1B can be transferred from a University to a company? Has anyone gone through this process?

    The present h1 position comes under university (non-profit) category. You cannot transfer your H1 to a company which falls under profitable category. You need to apply for a new H1 which falls under cap.


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  • Blog Feeds
    05-27 12:40 PM
    Antis point to polls showing more Americans support the Arizona bill than oppose it. But other polls - including new ones from ImmigrationWorks USA and Immigration Voice, show these same voters also support - by wide margins - comprehensive immigration reform proposals that contain legalization programs. Is this really a contradictory result? Maybe not. Americans want ACTION on immigration reform rather than maintaining the status quo. Action can mean an SB1070 or something on a broader scale - even if it is called "amnesty." Here are slides outlining the ImmigrationWorks poll. Keep an eye on polling of Republican voters who...

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  • sri2007
    02-26 02:02 PM
    Thanks for your prompt response.


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  • grass on the golf course.

  • Blog Feeds
    05-16 07:40 AM
    Youth-led organization United We Dream issued a scathing letter criticizing President Obama for using his recent speech on immigration as the basis for a fundraising ad. This week, President Obama addressed a crowd in El Paso, Texas regarding immigration Reform. DREAMers from across the country watched, waiting, and hoping to see a concrete action plan that would complement the next day�s historic introduction of a bill that would bring relief to the more than 2 million Dreamers that would qualify for the DREAM Act. That same evening, President Obama sent out a fundraising email about his immigration speech. The Obama...

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  • Stock Photo: Abstract Golf

  • kirupa
    07-29 12:29 PM
    Hi John - this may help you out:

    The rounded corners in that tutorial came from Windows itself :)



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  • Mowing the golf course

  • stormylook64
    11-26 07:08 PM
    AP not yet received. But EADs have been received for me and my husband (primary applicant). However, my daughter is yet to receive her EAD. Anybody with a similar case? I tried calling IO in USCIS but they say that it may come any time within 90 days of the notice date (not the receipt date!):mad:

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  • akshayae
    09-07 12:56 PM

    Members from the DC area will be meeting in the Great Falls (Virginina)public library meeting room from 1 pm to 3 pm on Saturday September 8th 2007. Members in DC/VA/MD areas are requested to meet other members to find out more info about the rally and importance of making this rally a success. The address for Great Falls Public Library is

    Date and Time
    Sep 8th 2007 Time from 1 pm to 3 pm

    Meeting Room
    9830 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, VA 22066-2634
    Ph 703-757-8560

    We look forward to meeting you at Great Falls Public Library

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  • pd_recapturing
    08-21 07:25 PM

    07-24 08:23 PM
    My current employer filed my labor and 140 in 2007 under EB3 and are also approved. Now I am planning to move to a different who is willing to start my GC under EB2. Now can i use 2007 as my priority date?

    Thank you,


    07-23 02:17 PM
    I sent a thank you note to the TOI editor for carrying this article.Great job!!

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