Sunday, June 26, 2011

prince william wedding

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  • AllVNeedGcPc
    04-13 07:52 AM
    Enjoy the moments!!!

    I just sent a mail to my Senator last week.

    Got the card production e-mail today, thank you everyone for your endless support the past 7 years.

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  • prince william wedding date.

  • reddymjm
    03-12 10:59 AM
    It is very easy to contradict or find errors.

    No body is getting paid here to have a tester test it.

    Yes I like the idea of donor for paid members. There are 31000 members not even 2500 members are contributing. This is one way of making them pay for the services or the info you get from the forum.

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  • prince william wedding date.

  • dilbert_cal
    03-14 01:40 AM
    Sorry - put in the wrong thread.

    2011 prince william wedding date. prince william wedding. Prince William wedding
  • Prince William wedding

  • satyasaich
    07-15 11:31 PM
    Dear friends
    "Drop and Drop makes an Ocean"

    I pledged earlier that i will send another $50 today if the total reaches $2000.
    Here is the deal: Just add another $100 and i will make it to $2000.
    Still we have time for today. Any takers ????
    I'm not a high salary guy nor an $100/hour consultant. I'm just like so many of you, need to support the family as well.But just consider the selfless efforts of IV for all of us. please try to contribute as much as you can, of course this is just a request only.



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  • Here is Prince William Wedding

  • amits
    07-23 11:37 PM
    Superb! I am going to try this in my company...

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  • rustamehind
    07-18 07:12 PM
    Lets say your PD is/was current in March, April, June and July. You decided not to apply in the previous months and you finally submitted at the end of July. On the other hand i had my PD current on July and i applied. After i applied and before you applied there could be 10k(for example) applications. Now when its time to process application which one they should process yours or mine?. Obviously they will process the one that they got first. They not going to look for the PD and pull out your's from the pile of applications. Its your fault that you have not applied early enough even though your PD was current.

    What if out of all 10000 , 9999 don't have priority date current.Do you think they will still not look at the 1 in the pile which has a current PD.They will look at it , Even if it is number 10000 in the list.Actually there will be no pile because 9999 people won't even be in contention.
    Why do you think labour substitution was so HOT?Just because by getting an earlier PD , you were going to steam roll everybody who filed before you , just because you got an earlier PD..


    prince william wedding. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • Pineapple
    07-06 02:31 AM
    Digging it is fine, but dont forget to email it. That is the best way to keep it visible. Email it to your friends, colleages, etc.
    By the way, I checked at and articles such as "Geek Squad Caught On Video Stealing Porn From Customer's Computer" are number 1. Our issues are nowhere at the top, (or anywhere). The geek squad article, though numero uno on digg, is not exactly CNN headlies, to put it mildly.

    Common sense tells me digg is hugely over rated. Focus energies on the real deal guys.

    2010 prince william wedding date. prince william wedding. Prince William#39;s Wedding
  • Prince William#39;s Wedding

  • mrdelhiite
    06-22 03:06 PM
    Login is uniqe for each employer. My login will not work for you.

    so it is tied to your applied application.... can you not check someones elses application


    prince william wedding. Prince William made the last
  • Prince William made the last

  • mbawa2574
    03-04 05:16 PM
    Not sure if anyone else has faced this so wanted to put this out: I own a home and have a loan on it since 2003 (I was on H1 when i took the loan), now that the ARM is about to adjust i am in the market for refinance.

    There is however a question on all the loans underwritten by freddy/fanny asking for immigration status and if the answer is EAD the loan is denied. They even sent me an explanation of denial.....:confused:

    Obama is ready to give out a home loan to a drug dealer on the street but a hardworking,tax paying , wealth creator skilled immigrant won't get it.

    So this is a new feature of Obama Nation:mad:

    Liberals shame on you for electing this inexperienced socialist communist to the white house.

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  • glen
    07-05 01:19 PM
    Wrote emails to FL senators. I will call them now.


    prince william wedding. Prince William Wedding:
  • Prince William Wedding:

  • gctest
    09-15 04:21 PM
    I have not raised anything yet. We do have a number of members ready to support. We are getting there. People, please come forward. Lets get this thing going.
    Send me a PM if you are not sure about posting on the forums here.

    GCTest and et al if you have really raised 600 $ talk to good lawyer to sure the hell out of USCIS for its un accountability. This EB3 - EB3 rift is not going to help anyone but only USCIS. Take a chill pill and think carefully who has screwed us most -- IT IS USCIS. If you sue USCIS for unaccountability, changing rules at will and worst of all racial discrimination or new term for country based discrimination -- it is history waiting to happen.

    There is no value or point in creating Eb3 - Eb2 rift. No category is better than either - all are equally and royally screwed by USCIS.

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  • and Prince William Wedding

  • khukubindu
    01-19 02:05 PM
    In my area there is no Infopass appointment available before my departure. What is the difference between departing with approval notice in hand and

    with knowing that application has been approved but depart without the physical approval notice in hand before departure and get it aborad if my friend mail it to my place in abroad and later entering with that . Anybody could help in this situation with some advice.


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  • prince william wedding date.

  • JunRN
    05-29 12:59 PM
    I don't want to argue either.

    In my case, I saved $400 per month as I got mine on 4.5% interest rate. If I got mine on 6% interest rate, I would have paid $144,000 more in the entire duration of my loan. I can't say enough on the value of my house because it is the lowest compared to all my neighbors with same model. The location has the best school district in the city and the elementary school is 3 blocks away.

    Refinancing is a tricky part of this game. Refinancing is not always good because most of the time, you will start at month 1 again where the interest part is higher than the principal. It also has closing cost. One should only refinance if the difference is greater than 1%. 1% is only break even.

    I am not saying all others should buy now. What I am saying is that we cannot say it's not a good time to buy either. It depends on where you're buying.

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  • and Prince William Wedding

  • add78
    06-13 11:03 AM
    You just paid without exposing your financial information.
    $ 100
    Receipt ID: 5190-9283-7820-4961
    An email with your order summary has been sent to ashokmohanrajes

    Thanks my friend.
    You finally posted the details!!!!


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  • prince william wedding card.

  • amitjoey
    04-29 03:39 PM
    We will start calling. Thanks. We should leave no stone unturned. No doubts. Just do it!!

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  • Prince William Wedding

  • ashutrip
    06-20 11:50 AM
    This is a really good site that shows the trends for everything (PERM, H1 transfer etc). Although the accuracy depends on the number of people who add their cases, it was almost exact to the day for my H1 transfer.
    it shows jan case still pending!!!!!!!!!!!!1:(


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  • sayantan76
    01-07 09:07 AM
    Please read my statements properly. I have taught about 100 (the number of students in my last 5 classes were about 70, 30, 25, 25, 12). My colleagues have been observing the same issues for last 5-7 years when the number of students from India started to surge. The number 1000 is the estimate for over the 5 year period. Both numbers are conservative estimates.
    and why, pray, does your esteemed school keep accepting students from these so called "sub-standard" colleges in india? i would say 5-7 years of observed emperical evidence calls for some substantial action on your and your school's part in black-listing these, either:

    1. you are blowing smoke through eveyone's a** here or
    2. the school is greedy for tuition fees - proving an earlier contention made in this thread about it being all about money....

    P.S - i am not from one of these schools so no personal stake!

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  • Wedding of Prince William and

  • franklin
    07-18 03:29 PM
    I just upgraded my monthly contribution too!

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  • Prince William and Kate

  • red200
    12-10 07:27 PM
    I missed the july fiasco by 15 days. Atleast if we get the administrative fix to apply atleast 485. That would help us a lot, after labor if we are allowed to apply for 485 within a specific timeframe it would be nice.

    09-10 01:49 PM
    I contributed $100 by Paypal and sent out an eamil to about 15 of my friends who are in the same boat as I am. My email mentioned everything IV is trying to achieve and encouraged them to contribute too. I hope atleast a few of them will come forward.

    If all of us contributing can email our friends and encourage them to do the same - that might help contributions pour in faster.

    Great job IV!

    07-11 02:36 PM
    I do not think CIS has that much smartness in them. Different sections seem to go about the motions on their own schedule. They seem to be an uncoordinated bunch so far.

    How do you explain push for EAD approvals before June 30th? ppl got approvals in matter of days (in most cases less then 20 days)

    I think Obviously someones paying attention at USCIS when it comes to $

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