Saturday, June 25, 2011

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    04-01 08:07 PM
    Excuse me...What do u wanna ask the USCIS? U wanna put ur hand where it dozn't belong to? Good luck with that!!! I dont mind so many red dots. But I just wanna make my point. Just imagine one thing... U have a family. Someone from the outside doesn't like the way you are treating ur wife and asks u to divorce ur wife. How wud u feel? U r a NOBODY. Dont u get it? U just cant change a foreign land's system. Protest, conduct rallies...thats fine. But u have no rights to dig and delve into how USCIS is functioning. U R A NOBODY.

    Dard-E-Disco I have read some of your comments on this thread.. and feel sorry for your state of mind....until you feel better and get back to your normal senses here is the URL you may want to try and this will keep you busy for sometime..

    look at your comments that are just useless, second hand and hopeless imagination.....when you get a chance in your free time go and get your brain screws tightened, you may feel better ...good luck:D

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  • darslee
    07-07 12:31 PM
    Interesting....Our new attorney thinks we have a really strong case too...:)

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  • crazyghoda
    12-15 12:04 PM
    Sounds like a good idea. My doctor told me at my annual physical that I need to lose 10-20 lbs :D

    Dear Friends,

    What about if some of us will go for hunger strike in front of USCIC building? may be the will listen to us then.

    please dont give reds if you dont like it, just ignore it. man I am very frustrated with the situation.


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  • centaur
    07-20 05:42 PM
    Correct me if I am wrong, ---but I thought that "This Ammendment" was attached to a defence bill. I dont think that it was the ammendment that was shot down, but the whole defence bill.


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  • Macaca
    07-18 08:18 PM
    IV has accomplished the current mission in a very american way, of lobbying, on behalf,of a grassroots movement, and based on fairness. Besides acheiving the goals, it also demonstrates that the legal skilled community is ready to integrate into the American society.....

    A small contribution for the future goals ... $500 today and more to come....
    Thank you IV for your time, effort and support through the emotional roller coaster.
    Thank you very very much! :D :D

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  • Zee
    07-04 05:17 PM
    I sent an email to all 100 senators, hopefully they will reply.


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  • qplearn
    12-19 11:00 AM
    Well, one or two of us are dispensible but if unite in our effort, then we definitely become indespensible....did we really make an impact by making those thousands of phone calls for the lame duck?.....the fact is that an average american doesn't give a ***** about whether we get our green cards or not because they don't even know our pains.....and the government has too many other trivial and not so trivial issues to deal with than worry about us......lobbying is a good idea but we are still not getting the attention we should be you think they can really abolish the h1b program?.......foreign workers have become the veins and arteries of these companies and unless until you stop the blood supply, no body is going to even notice.......the dependency on foreign workers is more today that it was a decade ago just because of the sheer volume.
    no the h-1b program will never be abolished. foreign workers are needed in univs for one. and don't forget that the chinese came here to build the rail-way(road) and the indians and chinese (and ppl from many other nationalities) to fix the y2k bug. but regarding making phone calls, i think your assesment is wrong. that made the biggest impact of all. and guess what it costs? almost nothing other than some time and cell phone minutes. let's call Senator Cornyn (see another thread started by jansilal).

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  • chanduv23
    02-25 07:33 AM
    Yesterday, @seaworld, the oldest Shamu got frustrated and killed the trainer. Imagine the level of frustration that goes through her when she is doing the smae thing again and again for 20 years.


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  • badluck
    07-24 01:18 PM
    I think I have been very lucky so far. I don't think USCIS processes based on anything concrete, I think it's a little random. Or maybe I am just lucky.

    I applied for PERM in Sep 2006 - EB3 - India.
    I got approved for PERM in Mar 2007.

    I applied for I-140 and I-485 concurrently in Jun 2007.
    I-140 got approved July 20, 2007 and on July 23, 2007 I received all 4 receipts for I-140, I-485, EAD and AP. So my approval came before my receipt. I live in California so everything went to Nebraksa.

    Lawyers emailed saying they also received the EAD card yesterday July 23, 2007.

    Now I have to wait for only AP and Adjustment. And I still have 5 years left on my H1-B (2 years on this visa and then another extension).

    So I say, anything is possible. I wake up every morning and pray to USCIS because they made my life better :) :) :)

    Something is wrong it is impossible.... wait a minute your name is luckypaji....may be you are sardarji...just kidding brother dont get mad.:cool:

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  • santb1975
    06-03 01:30 PM
    This is great

    Contributed $100 just now
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  • arihant
    03-13 12:31 PM
    Looking through the ammendments, one that stuck out was about the drunk driving conviction. The ammendment makes it a deportable crime. Well, not that we would ever be stupid enough to drink and drive. But, if you do, and you get caught, be aware of the serious implications it may have.

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  • innervoice
    05-15 08:30 AM
    How long a person can continue to work on EAD if he gets a denial notice.


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  • sunofeast_gc
    07-23 06:27 PM
    This is aboslutly not possible; he/she is trying to fool every one. Before retrogression, the last date to file a 485 for a EB3-Indian with PD 08/2004 was 12/31/2004. From Jan 2005 till July 2007 EB3 Inida was retrogressed for his PD. So he/she could not apply 485 in Feb 2005. The other optins could be he/she may be in EB2 catagory or a Schulde A nurse.

    I was in similar time frame; So I know the date well....

    Same thing came in my mind too....
    it must be EB2 or a Schulde A nurse

    anyway it good to know that someone got GC...

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  • waitnwatch
    07-06 10:58 AM
    Did any of you guys read the USCIS ombudsman report in detail. It talks about FBI namechecks in some detail and specifically mentions that the namechecks are less detailed than what USCIS already does through it's available databases. In fact the FBI checks fewer things than what the USCIS already checks and so the ombudsman believes that the FBI name check is a waste of time and should be done away with.

    Nevertheless USCIS still keeps the FBI name check and I believe that is for purely political reasons where they can conveniently pass the buck if something untoward happens.

    Therefore harping on the FBI namecheck issue for the weekend processing may not be a good idea.


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  • ragz4u
    03-09 10:53 AM
    Provides an exception for refugees and asylees in Document Fraud Exception!

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  • johnnybhai
    03-27 02:45 PM
    State Virginia: No 45 Day Notice yet.


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  • qualified_trash
    08-08 03:40 PM
    OK, I edited the text to make it clearer that 20-25 years applies only to some family based immigrants. Let me know if it reads OK (grammar etc.) after the edits.


    As this is your article, you have all the freedom to write on what impacts you. However, keep in mind that FB immigration is still a sore spot with the American public as the perception is that Immigrants bring their parents here to collect on SS and Medicare (true in some cases I guess). If it were left up to me, I would leave FB Immigration out of the writeup.......

    Just my 2 cents.

    Grammar etc looks fine to me :-))

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  • Macaca
    10-01 12:21 PM
    In 2002 all the EB visas were issued (174,968). However, there were 31,532 unused family preference visas, so the limit for 2003 was 171,532 (140,000 + 31,532).

    Guess what, in 2003 they only approved 82,137 EB visas, so they ended up with 88,482 unused EB visas

    From where did you get 174,968?
    Is there any case where unused FP #'s were captured for EB?

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  • gc_check
    07-21 07:27 AM
    Thanks all for the updates. Also the loan agent I am working seems to understand, the underwriter is the one causing issue. I-140 approval has already been submitted along with EAD copy and I-485 receipt, Still they need the visa copy, which is expired in my case.
    Will try talking to them again. I have sent an email to Bank of America customer service wiith details and hope fully they respond back.

    07-19 02:29 AM
    I personally believe that PD is more significant than the RD but it makes sense to me that RD may take precedence if the PD is current (as suggested by some members of the forum).

    But if we think that at all times RD is the order they process them what would happen in this scenario

    1. A guy with 2001 PD filed later and was 750,000 th guy in the queue of AOS applications.

    2. After accepting all the apps USCIS retrogressed the dates to 2002 Jan. That means that USCIS is asking for AOS apps which satisfy this PD. That means that a visa no is available as of that date for adjudication so the first new application received(after they are retrogressed) will be 750,001 th application.

    3. If RD is the only processing order at all times then 750,001th application will not be sent to an officer for review until all other 750,000 th applications with a better RD are processed.

    4. Assuming that this takes 3 years (for example) then they are accepting an application today which they are not going to even look at in the next three years and this is not making sense to me.

    5. If they are accepting the 750,001 th application because that application qualifies for a visa no then that should be processed before the other applications(barring for special cases FBi name check issues, RFEs etc). This means PD comes into picture when there is retrogression. So then they have to apply the same rule for the I-485 applications which are pending with them. They some how have to order them on the PD and I assume this should not be rocket science for them as that data is part of our AOS applications.

    Thanks everyone for your inputs.

    03-15 08:32 AM
    Did anyone else get through? I was trying Dirksen226!

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