Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • polapragada
    09-14 12:16 PM
    Please do not make false statements. You are trying to paint everyone with the same brush.

    I had a Masters at the time EB3 was filed in 2002....from a top US school. The employer was okay with any category. The lawyer messed up...said that all categories were current and he knows best.

    This might be true in your case but not with every body else

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  • trueguy
    03-03 11:11 AM
    Not much movement.

    EB2-I : 15 August 2004
    Eb3-I : Either U or 15 Jan 2002.


    I agree. EB3-I would go U for rest of the year.

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  • memory_remains
    03-31 05:44 PM
    I am on OPT right now & my wife is on F-2 visa. We went to New York DMV to get her learners permit. They wouldn't allow her to get the permit as the school on I-20 is not in New York. Its so weird. They gave me NYS license due to my EAD card, but they say they cannot give her the license as the I-20 has to show the school in New York State. Anybody here has any recommendation??? Has anybody on F2 with I-20 from a different state gotten drivers license in New York??


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  • nirenjoshi
    03-09 06:14 PM
    Added info about April VB to past VBs table.

    The way dates are moved doesn't seem to have any fact based intelligent logic.

    Pardon my ignorance, but where does the data on the last 2 columns - the one for I-485s - come from? And does that includes Family+EB?


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  • Keeme
    08-14 03:53 PM
    This is what will help us to clear backlog ! Wanted to post it few days back when news came from UK they wanted to bring more immigrants as one of solution to get their economy back on track.

    Guys, IF any thing may come as 'rescuer' this year and help us to come out from this backlog and move the dates forward in next year visa bulletins, that would be 'current economy and housing market situation'. IF any thing can convinced Congress to clear visa recapture bill this year, it would be only 'current housing market situation'. To get the economy back on track next year, housing market has to be improved and its not happening !

    EB3 guys - Just hang on ! Good news are on your way !

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  • baburob2
    03-09 09:22 AM
    Title 1 amendments are done and have moved to Title 2 for discussion. The ones important to us is in Title 4,5.


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  • sanjay02
    12-18 02:34 PM
    I have a suggestion we need to meet the senators office in person and also try to get more visibility in terms of getting exposed to media may be channels like

    a) AZN TV
    b) India waves
    c) CBS
    d) NBC

    Since we have hired Quinn & Gillispie we need to understand whats their strategic plan and what they have in plate for us. We need to have vision in front of us. All I am trying to say is identify the senators who would favor the CIR/SKILL Bill etc and have the volunteers meet them in person. Some of the things I have mentioned may be redundant but, I wanted to make my point clear, calling the senators office just a week before with phone calls webfaxes etc is not just bearing any fruits as we have learnt from our past experiences.

    I would request the senior members of IV to have a one-one meeting with Quinn& Gillispie and later update all the members here.

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  • jimytomy
    04-12 06:45 AM
    How long it takes to get 140 approved in premium?

    Officially 15 days. But according track itt website , it is taking at the most 8 or 9 days.


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  • jonty_11
    07-06 11:22 AM
    Just a thought that there are other anti immigrant groups also visiting our website. We are frustrated and angry but all these comments that we are writing are also read by other people and will be used against us to make things harder. Also the general feeling is that American people dont really care or want to understand about GC. For them especially groups like NumberUSA etc want us out. So please stop feeding ideas into people's head without knowing facts. Assumptions are not facts.
    Totally concurr...Just follow ur heart and IV.....
    Go IV go!!

    here is Oh Law firms take on NYT report - sorry if its a repost
    07/07/2007: USCIS Reportedly Admitted Some I-485 Approvals at Last Minutes Without Completion of FBI Security Clearance

    * New York Times,, has reported:

    "To complete the applications in time, the immigration agency put employees to work both days last weekend at service centers in Texas and Nebraska, immigration officials said. They said that 25,000 applications were processed in the final 48 hours before Monday’s deadline. In some cases, security clearances required by the F.B.I. were not entirely completed, immigration officials said. The agency approved some applications “when we were certain the process will be completed very shortly,” Mr. Aytes said."

    * The report also indicates that the State Department and the USCIS tend to disagree with each other for the root of the problem for the current fiasco. Earlier there was a report in the Washington Post that the USCIS denied that the USCIS worked ceaselessly and frantically during the weekends (two days) before July 1, but it has been admitted since then the employees indeed worked hard during the two days. According to the NY Times report, during the weekend alone, they approved 25,000 I-485 backlog applications.
    * We are afraid that the alleged admission of approval of I-485 application before completion of the security clearance is likely to face the legal challenge for violation of the rules which is likely one of the main claims of the AILF lawsuit as well as the political backfire as an issue of security lapse relating to the homeland security. It appears that the July visa bullen fiasco is going out of control and pushes the two agencies into an edge.

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  • ags123
    03-07 02:08 AM


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  • spicy_guy
    11-08 05:15 PM
    Wow! Just in less than 2 months? What about the Ad stuff? Does this include everything?

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  • singhsa3
    07-21 01:55 PM
    Look at this post. The thoughts are compelling. Is this something that we should get some clarifications on?

    It is certainly a good deal that we are able to file for 485 and we can enjoy the benefits of EAD/AP.

    Mark my words...when apply to renew your EAD and you are not sure if spouse can work when one EAD has expired and the other is in the process of being approved you will realize what we are trying to say...after you keep applying to renew AP/EAD beings to wonder if it was all worth it.

    In short, after we file our 485/EAD/APs we should work with IV and try to lobby for better laws...we should not be complacent and think our work is done, we crossed a small hurdle thats all.


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  • imh1b
    05-07 02:34 PM
    I was able to call 8 offices during my lunch hour yesterday. I also called my local Senator's office. I will try to call more next week.

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  • chanduy9
    07-06 12:31 PM
    Thank god(USICS)... they haven't changed the visa making every thing "U":D

    Send flowers on JULY 10TH.



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  • snathan
    02-07 08:44 PM
    nowadays, girls are too much ...

    Days are gone where man used to trouble woman.
    Nowadays it is very much opposite...

    Ya its very much dont marry.

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  • webm
    08-14 03:57 PM
    EB3 guys - Just hang on ! Good news are on your way !

    What can we expect?? any source you got??



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  • nave_kum
    08-13 06:33 PM
    first: indulging in a completely useless dicussion
    this is your prerogative but this forum really does have a purpose and a well defined goal. it behoves those who use it to be aligned with the goals of the organization, not completely obsessed with a receipt that is at best a tiny way station in a long journey.

    second and this needs undivided attention- and rereading as many times as needed: personal attacks, offensive language and divisive fueds are against the policy of this forum. if you have a problem with this, read the posting guidelines. make sure you understand them completely.

    third: junior and senior is nothing but a representation of the number of posts from a member. if the posts are nothing but self obsessed rantings, then senior is just a word that means nothing. posts can be approved or disapproved by members using the tools above. this results in green or red squares in front of a members name. that may be a better representation of other members opinions than just the number of posts.

    fourth: those who live in glass houses do not a lot of things frankly. you cannot complain about other's language or content if yours fails to meet the same criteria. i urge you to be civil in your tone and choose your words carefully. we are here to be a one united community working to end retrogression. not to rave and rant about each other, take or make sides, threaten (with what?), or endlessly obsses about dates and notices.
    please by all means track your progress and give and take information.
    but do it with some decorum.

    many on this thread need to read this post carefully. please keep this forum a civil place and let's behave like the highly skilled immigrants we claim to be.
    please direct your energy to more useful directions, volunteer, contribute and join the rally in DC on 9/18. join your state chapters. complete your profile on iv- what's the point of so much smoke and fire when you want to hide from everyone- your profile is not public, but iv needs you. you and i are iv. there is no iv but us. if you believe there is some nebulous entity that will magically solve your problems without your lifting a finger, well that's usually the stuff of dreams- and maybe your GC will arrive tonight with your beauty sleep...

    Very well said!!! Logically this thread with the title "June end and July 2nd filers receipts by monday" MUST NOT be here. Please delete it. Thats what Buddyinus was trying to point out. But ppl took it personally.

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  • Libra
    09-11 10:52 AM
    thanks jandyala

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  • SEP03NY
    08-12 04:05 PM
    One of my friend got receipt for I-140 and I-1485, He send on July 30th to Nebraska Service center. I have send on the 2nd July still waiting.


    11-24 05:27 PM
    I left my GC sponser employer 3 months ago and joined new employer on EAD. I spoke to the new company's attorney to file H1B after 2 months of joining. She said that since I have completed 6 years of my H1B so it does not matter if I am on H1B or on EAD as none of them will provide safety net if something goes wrong on 485. Suddenly, after 15 days, I got an email from my Lawyers's office saying that my new company has given permission to them to apply a H1B extn for me and asked me to send the required docs. I am not sure what prompted them to apply my H1B as I had already given up H1B thing and was happy with EAD. I dont know, it might be something to do with charging fee from my new employer or something. Bottomline is no one knows about it and may be even USCIS might not have this scenario in their rule book.
    One more thing, in one of the conversations with my new attorney, she mentioned that I can still work on EAD if 485 gets denied because of AC21 reason and MTR has been sent. She said, unless, 485 is denied because of some criminal reason, u can continue working during the MTR period. so another twist??

    Maybe we should get it from the horse's mouth and I am sure it is not easy because USCIS will not admit that 485s get denied when invoking AC21

    11-25 07:21 PM
    Thank you for your response. Is it normal to see an LUD on the 140 (approved) as well, when the G-28N is sent in?


    Sharing what I read on IV - some members reported their 140 status reverted to 'pending' along with a recent LUD when their ex-employer revoked already approved 140. In your case, status is not changed. Keep an eye on status. Hopefully, CIS will not do another wrongful denial, crossing my fingers. Best Luck bro!

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