Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • Milind123
    09-12 11:18 AM
    Thankyou satyachowdary and sameold.
    All, please remember my intention is to motivate the people who never contributed and who start
    a $50 monthly contribution at least for six months. Also don't forget to PM me when you
    start your monthly contibution.

    Anyway good start. satyachowdary and sameold please consider monthly contributions.

    Here are my details

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 11:34 AM EDT
    Google Order #365470411117583

    Sorry forgot to mention the amount of $100.

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  • ragz4u
    03-09 11:34 AM
    I am assuming that will be the end result. It means they will not be counted against any VISA CAP.

    If I understood it right, they wanted to remove the 10% per country limit for the Nurses and Physical Therapist since a majority come from 3 countries - India, China and Phillipines

    Again, not too sure if I understood it right

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  • gova123
    08-02 05:27 PM
    I am sorry for posting in here, but I was wondering if someone actually went in person to the Houston Consulate to get their passport renewed. Also, do we need to have any reason to attend in person at the Consulate such as emergency, etc.

    I am from India and my passport is expiring on Aug 17. I read before in the forum that it is better to go in person to renew the passport. Any experiences please let me know.

    Thanks a bunch

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  • javaconsultant
    10-11 04:33 PM

    Thanks for your detailed anwers.

    have you opened your own LLC currently while on EAD?

    For all those who have sent PM.... Please note I am not an attorney or accountant... But then I had consulted my account and few attorney's ( paid the required fees to get them answered)... So please use your own judgement/caution.

    1. Yes you can open a LLC singly or jointly with your wife/friend/anyone.

    2. You can start the LLC even when you are on H1B but it is better that you wait till you get your EAD to get oprationalized. reason very very conservative view is that you cannot even write a check for your company or deposit a check... but this is a very conservative view....

    3. To open a LLC you can use an accountant ( if you have one, it will be cheaper by a couple of hundred dollars) or use agencies like .... I have used both in the past....

    4. Intially you can just form LLC as single or joint partnership and then elect as S corporations for taxing.... I forget within which period it is to be done, if I correctly remember when you file your first tax return or within 6 months you need to elect as filing as single person entity( then it becomes like your personal income) or you could elect as S corp....

    5. You will a tax id for the LLC, business license and other documents when you form a LLC, You will need to maintain book and tax records for 3 years... best to have it managed by an accountant

    6. You/ your spouse can work for your LLC.... Some of you if you want to after 180 days change employers can move into your LLC and maintain that you are employed in same occupational duties for your own LLC...

    Hope I have been able to answer your questions....:cool:


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  • kkt_tkk
    09-07 01:18 PM

    I entered in to USA on 11/1999, still working on H1B
    GC: PD is 2005, EB3

    I can't port to EB2, as my education is combinational (Diploma + AMIE), not 4-year single degree.


    Pappu excellent post full of true facts. Being smart in my opinion means being knowledgeable and aware of the current situation at any given point of time rather than being ignorant and indifferent. Most of the time doing some basic research can lead an individual to the right option that is legally consistent and correct, it�s really never too late to correct course. Yes there will be street smart people (Sub labor being one example) who will game the system but besides other things let�s accept that they know how things work. Life is about learning and then What Next? It�s really about continuous improvement and trying to move in the right direction. Not having the desired end result is fine but not doing anything or not trying is bad. Very nice and motivating stories from some of the veteran�s you give us the motivation to hang on. OP you seem to have started a nice discussion.

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  • lskreddy
    04-30 03:30 PM
    Taking a break at work so decided to listen in. Aytes said something astonishing a little bit ago -- the FIFO was a great idea but under present circumstances it is not...something about very early PD applications may take longer...

    This is an outrageous statement and he deserves to be berated and grilled about it. I hope IV core is paying attention and will bring this to Lofgren's attention.

    I hope a full transcript will be made available. There should be a point by point response to all their BS.

    I agree. This was an outrageous statement.


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  • kevinkris
    07-14 05:22 PM
    Go to TOP

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  • acecupid
    08-26 11:37 AM
    Getting a loan from ICICI is very easy and convenient, but they rip you off on interest rates. So you have to evaluate the pros and cons. HDFC gives better rates and pretty reasonable service. Bottomline : its a trade off between interest rates and the service(ease of getting loans).

    Just for fyi.. I have a loan with ICICI and pretty happy with my deal.


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  • vandanaverdia
    09-09 02:43 PM
    Signed up for volunteering too.
    Waiting for details.
    Looking forward to being part of history!!!!

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  • audelinom
    02-25 03:10 PM
    For all the replies to my post. I understand that there are many others in the same situation I am in, who can understand and feel the injustices of this process.

    I understand that we made personal choices and we have to take responsibility for our actions, if something is clear is that h1-B is a NON-EMIGRANT visa. I just wish there was more transparency from the USA government when it comes to apply for PR through employment. The backlogs and collapse of the system, only reflect the lack of interest in solving the problem which in my opinion it's also a reflection of the lack of interest in having any more skilled professionals coming to the US.

    Most of the participants in this forum are from India. I appreciate your insights and wisdom, you are well known for being spiritual people who work hard through hardships in life. Many of you have left here important advices and I am grateful for that.

    Personally I have done my best to live a life outside this green card ordeal. I have moved on trying to live a normal life without being obsessed with this problem, but as most of you know, reality hits quite often and we are reminded of the limitations that our legal position imposes, more often than not.

    I am only regret the rude comment of somebody who replied saying " Give up something you don't have? Live a life". It's true I don't have anything to give up and that is the sad part of all this process. I have invested thousands of dollars from my own pocket, gone under distress and suffered the unfairness of the system in exchange of nothing. Yet.

    Thanks for your feedback, and good luck to all you. I hope that someday in the future people from my country, or any country for that matter, wont be forced to leave their families and friends behind because of unbearable live conditions we face.


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  • aadimanav
    12-10 03:37 PM
    Visa Bulletin for January 2010 (


    At this time it is unlikely that there will be any cut-off dates in the Employment First preferences. It also appears unlikely that it will be necessary to establish a cut-off date other than those already in effect for the Second preference category. Cut-off dates apply to the China and India Second preference categories due to heavy demand, and each has the potential to become "unavailable" should demand cause the annual limit for that category to be reached.

    INA Section 202(a)(5) provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limits. For example, if it is determined that based on the level of demand being received at that time there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category, then numbers could be provided to oversubscribed countries without regard to per-country limitations. Should that occur, the same cut-off date would be applied to each country, since numbers must be provided strictly in priority date order regardless of chargeability. In this instance, greater number use by one country would indicate a higher rate of demand by applicants from that country with earlier priority dates.

    Should Section 202(a)(5) be applied, the rate of number use in the Employment preference category would continue to be monitored to determine whether subsequent adjustments are needed in visa availability for oversubscribed countries. This action provides the best possible assurance that all available Employment preference numbers will be used, while still ensuring that numbers remain available for applicants from all other countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit.


    Based on current indications of demand, the best case scenarios for cut-off dates which will be reached by the end of FY-2010 are as follows:

    Employment Second:
    China: July through October 2005
    India: February through early March 2005

    If Section 202(a)(5)were to apply:
    China and India: October through December 2005

    Employment Third:

    Worldwide: April through August 2005
    China: June through September 2003
    India: January through February 2002
    Mexico: January through June 2004
    Philippines: April through August 2005

    Please be advised that the above date ranges are only estimates which are subject to fluctuations in demand during the coming months. The actual future cut-off dates cannot be guaranteed, and it is possible that some annual limits could be reached prior to the end of the fiscal year.

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  • jonty_11
    07-05 12:56 PM
    Send email using AILA link to 20 senators an counting...Please continue to do...this is as important as campaigning for SKILL Bill...
    Lets make ppl aware of waht injustice has been thrust upon us by the impotent DOC and USCIS combo.


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  • pmat
    02-08 03:59 PM
    Online status shows up as CERTIFIED.... :D

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  • mirage
    03-13 06:02 PM
    Guys there was a talk that since they are increasing the Fees for AP/ EAD these documents will be valid for more than 1 year as in old fee system, is it just a dream or is it true ???

    What is the Validity duration of AP with New Fee


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    08-02 05:18 PM
    Good job and thank you from my heart if this is going to be true. Please find me one more thing, where can i have info for my wife and son's I 94 going to get it, my H1B extension approved on 28th April 2007. Please.

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  • vgayalu
    04-25 11:05 AM
    Yes . It is nice proposal to take the arrival date as priority date.

    Some guys are applying from different states than where they work or living and get processed very quickly. some states are being delayed. So Taking the arrival date as priority date is genuine and fair.



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  • WaldenPond
    03-16 10:08 AM
    I just called .... same reply. But more calls (pressure) would help.

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  • immi_twinges
    07-20 02:16 PM
    1. Threads concerned with the Action Items and Legislative matters should be separated from the usual GC related questionnaire

    If you look at the website you find a bunch of new threads related to 485 filing. Most of them bear answers in previous threads. People dont want to search..but that okay..they can form new threads if they are very desperate for the answers.

    But at the same time due to the flood of these messages we are missing important notices and action items like this one.If we separate them somehow it will be helpful.

    2. Lets have an organized tracking of 485s. Lets separate them by Visa category , country, PD or RD.
    ex: Eb3 country: India
    PD 2001: RD:...? LUD: ...?

    EB3 : China...
    Lets have an option of adding friends approx dates who are not immigration voice members. This way we can have rough estimate about what happening. Lets not make threads for each category.

    This way may be we have a very good track of the visas than USCIS...heheheh:D

    I guess most of the 1v members are s/w engineers...i am not...orelse i would have volunteered to do this...

    Anybody here ...who can spare some of their valuable time???
    Lets do more brainstorming

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-09 07:52 AM
    This is becoming like a person who buys lottery regularly. Then every time before the results are going to come out, starts dreaming and then gets disappointed as his number is not drawn.

    Stop dreaming! This is not a lottery. Please contribute to FOIA and lets find the real numbers.

    09-01 03:24 PM
    Landed in july 2000

    Changed employer in nov 2000

    Joined a fortune 10 company in aug 2001, they had a policy to wait for 1 year before any GC application.

    Started process in August 2002, Finally labor was filed in March 2003

    May 2004 Company bought another company and in merger my department was closed, Was laid off in October 2004, was lucky enough that a job I had interviewed internally came through. Started with them in October 2004 but with a 20% salary cut :(

    Finally labor was approved in 2005.Got 140 approved in Jan 2006.

    Dates became current in June 2007 but lawyer delayed the filing till July when all dates became unavailable. Due to political pressure dates became current and was able to file for 485.

    Got married in Nov 2008.

    Company bought another company in 2008 and the merger resulted in job loss again in April 2009.

    Was lucky enough again to find another job in the company.

    Within 1 month got another job offer in the company with a promotion. So after 2004 came back to original salary in 2009.

    Still in 2010 I am not making as much money as I made in 2000-2001 when I had just landed.

    Talked to my new manager in Dec 2009 to apply GC in EB2 since it is a VP position with 8 year experience requirement he said a big NOOOOOOOO.

    Finally boss agreed to start the new GC in EB2 in July 2010.

    Talked to lawyer and after evaluation they agreed that my new job is more than 50% different from my old jobs and hence I can use the experience.

    Started the process with the lawyer but since it is a big company all processe take forever to begin :(

    08-13 04:45 PM
    EB-3 won't need help when everyone else is done because the only people left to allocate visas would be EB-3 only . I guess we are just in for a long long wait.

    That situation never occur. EB2 is going to be always filled up. No one is going to apply in EB3 in future and all in EB2, so all will go to EB1,EB2.

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