Sunday, July 3, 2011

Before And After Teeth Veneers

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  • Macaca
    06-25 07:21 AM
    Democrats step up (,1,1445539.story) First on gun control, now on energy, the Democrats are pushing Congress in a new direction. June 25, 2007

    FIRST GUN CONTROL, now fuel economy. Congressional Democrats still have a lot of work ahead to get their groundbreaking bills past both houses and the president's desk, but you can't say they're not leading a radical change in direction.

    On June 13, the House passed what could become the first major gun-control law in a decade, a bill aimed at strengthening a federal database used in background checks for gun buyers. A week later, the Senate approved an energy bill that would improve mileage for the nation's automotive fleet for the first time in nearly 20 years. Democrats still haven't forced a troop reduction in Iraq or put their stamp on the nation's backward immigration policies, but their surprising success in other areas is worthy of praise.

    Not that Democrats deserve all the credit. The gun bill was a bipartisan effort that passed by acclamation after it won the blessing of the National Rifle Assn., while 20 Republicans � nearly half the 43 who voted on the measure � backed the fuel economy bill. Still, these measures would have been inconceivable while Republicans controlled both houses during the first six years of the Bush administration, a period characterized by the disgraceful decision to allow a decade-old assault weapons ban to expire in 2004 and successive energy bills focused on maximizing fossil fuel production at the expense of the environment.

    It would be nice to think that the broad Republican support for a progressive energy bill signaled a pro-environment change of heart. Unfortunately, it probably has more to do with the high price of oil; Republicans are feeling pressure to bring gas prices down. They also rightly see dependence on foreign oil as a national security issue. The fuel economy bill would increase the average mileage requirement for cars sold in the U.S. from 25 miles per gallon to 35 by 2020, expected to eventually save millions of barrels of oil a day.

    Regardless of their motives, Republicans' support for the energy bill will increase pressure on President Bush to sign it, assuming it gets through the House. Bush favors better fuel economy but wants it to come at a slower pace, with loopholes to allow more gas guzzling by SUVs. The Senate energy bill has its own regrettable loophole: A strong mandate was watered down in committee, allowing federal regulators to cancel the improvements if they decide the tighter standards aren't "cost-effective." But senators beat back furious efforts by the auto industry to weaken the bill further.

    There was one sour note to last week's passage of the energy bill: An amendment that would have required the nation to get 15% of its electricity from renewable sources was defeated. Senate leaders should revive it in the future.

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  • gc_bulgaria
    09-28 11:09 PM

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-15 11:20 AM
    It's not official, but it sounds like the Obama Administration is getting ready to make some news. Secretary Clinton told CBS News today: �Well, we have, as you know, many Haitian Americans. Most are here legally. Some are not documented. And the Obama administration is taking steps to make sure that people are given some temporary status so that we don�t compound the problem that we face in Haiti.� That sounds like Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure.

    More... (

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  • Blog Feeds
    04-01 10:40 AM
    Our friendly anti Jack has provided in the comments a couple of links to an intriguing story regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (currently embroiled in another scandal - this time involving strippers and GOP money - oy!). Steele has been one of the moderate voices in the GOP when it comes to immigration reform in the past and apparently he met with a pro-reform group called the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM). Accounts differ regarding whether Steele promised to work for immigration reform and, more specifically, help round up a second GOP Senator to sponsor the reform bill...

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  • dbonneau
    10-03 01:52 PM
    Hi, I recently got approved for I140 and am in the I485 pending.
    Is it possible to add my parents as dependents when my pending I485 ? Thanks, db

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  • a_yaja
    06-22 09:51 AM
    I am having a hard time to write anything on the back of the photes as required. I know a softer pencil should do. But have to hunt down one in this computer age. Any other tricks? Thanks.
    Walmart or any other office/ school supply store sells them pretty cheap.


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  • upuaut
    08-29 02:03 AM
    in order to get the animation to 'stick' you have to toggle that button that says "animate" on the top of the screen. The reason they do it that way is this. If you've already set up an animation, but then find that you need to change something in the basic structure of the item, you can turn off that toggle, edit the item and have it not effect the animation that you set up.

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  • Ann Ruben
    01-20 08:50 AM
    An I-140 petition filed for you by your current employer will have no impact on the pending I-140 appeal filed by your future employer.


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  • kirupa
    07-16 10:22 PM
    Added :)

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  • sertasheep
    03-30 08:52 PM
    The next attorney call for free EB immigration advice is planned for 01 April 07, Sunday at 11:30 AM Eastern Time. We will be responding to questions 131 through 153 during this call. Please await more details on the time. Members who have posed questions would have received an email assigning them with this range of question IDs.

    Please email us following the procedure outlined in this link : Click here (

    Please dial into the following number:
    218-486-1300, bridge 153151

    Also see the links below for more information


    Before And After Teeth Veneers. Before And After Teeth
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  • bmoni
    03-17 10:53 AM
    If you have successfully transfered your PD after your I-140 approval. Please post your experience.

    I have seen I-140 threads for a while ..everyone have a opinion ..but none of you have gone through it....its misleading we can quote different websites and USICS documents ..only people who actually transfered PD can share. How they did it. Whats the process. Please respond to this thread only if you have successfully transfered PD after I-140 approval.


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  • Blog Feeds
    09-10 12:50 PM
    A voice of reason in the GOP on immigration departs. He will be missed in this process. In the mean time, Florida's new Senator, George LeMieux, is certainly not sounding like a fighter for immigration reform. According to the Orlando Sentinel: LeMieux appears likely to steer clear of Martinez's controversial attempts to overhaul immigration law, which would include a path to citizenship for the undocumented. 'We need tosecure our borders,' LeMieux said. 'After we do that, we can figure what happens to people already here.'

    More... (


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  • monu19_75
    06-16 11:42 PM
    Thank you for your time and I appreciate your effort.

    I have two Approved I-140s (both filed by same company).
    � Filed I-140 & I-485 concurrently with a PD of Nov 2007 (Original Labor) - I-140 Approved and I-485 Pending
    � Filed I-140 with PD March 2005 (Substitution Labor) - I-140 Approved.

    1. I would greatly appreciate if you can let me know what are my options and any relative information (Letter formats etc.)
    2. Can Info-Pass work instead of writing to USCIS?

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  • balram79
    03-26 02:02 PM
    I resigned my job last year on Dec 15th 2006 by giving my employer a 2 weeks notice (dec 29th was supposed to be the last working day). A week later, i informed my employer that i won't be leaving them at which time, he suggested that i continue working as normal and that he would take care of un-doing the paper work. They had sent out a letter to INS to revoke my 797 even before my last working day with them. The HR contact has failed to follow-up and inform the INS of this development and am told last week that i have been out of status for 10 days now (March 10 was the day INS revoked my H1b). The company has accepted responsibility for this mess and are filing an accelerated H1b (premium) application this week. I had continued employment this whole time and never had any break in my payments. Are there any chances the INS won't put be back on H1 status with my company ?.
    Experts .. please advice.


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  • nogc_noproblem
    08-16 10:01 AM
    Labor, I140 approved and I-485 filed during July-07. Have EAD and AP but never used it. Still on H1B, extended for 3 years based on approved I140 and valid until Dec 2011. With my GC employer all along, employer is applying for LCA now as my new client is located in different state. My questions are:

    � Whether there will be any impact on my ongoing GC process if the job description on this new LCA is different?
    � If anything goes wrong with this LCA, whether there will be any impact on my existing H1 and eventually on GC process?
    � If something wrong happens to my H1, can I still switch to EAD after that?
    � What is the process to move from H1B to EAD within the same company, is filing new I-9 with EAD detail is suffice?


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  • varinder
    06-07 02:09 PM
    Thank you so much.


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  • prioritydate
    03-09 07:24 PM
    Send me a PM

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    10-01 02:13 PM

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  • Vic
    11-26 09:07 AM
    I dont think this means anything. With the huge influx of AP and EAD applications - I am quite certain that the last thing on USCIS's mind was making sure that the LUD was kept updated for the 485 apps. The important thing is that you have your 485 receipt and that is the acknowledgment that they have recieved the application and its in order.

    06-18 09:56 AM
    Do you know who can apply for the Prevailing Wage Determination
    Is it me or my employer or my lawyer
    and what forms other that 9141 need to be filled.

    03-29 12:12 PM
    Hello Friends,

    I have a question regarding waiver on J2 EAD.
    My husband is doing residency on J1 since last 9 months. His residency program is of 4years and plans to do 1 yr fellowship later on on J1 so total of 5 yrs
    I m now on J2 and have an EAD with me.
    My questions are:

    1. Do I need to do a waiver job after I complete my residency on EAD before joining any other hospital here in the US? or it just applies to my husband(on J1) to do a waiver.

    2. If aftercompleting my residency on EAD, if my husband gets a waiver he will be on H1 and me on H4and if the same year I get H1 fellowship program for 1 yr, can I change my status from J2 EAD to H1 without doing a waiver?

    3. How much time it normally takes to renew your EAD?

    Thank you.
    Kindly reply as soon as possible.

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